Making Safeguarding Personal

Making Safeguarding Personal

MSP Wordcloud

The Care Act requires us to safeguard adults in a way that supports them making choices and having control about how they want to live.

Delivered through an approach known as Making Safeguarding Personal - meaning it is;

  • Person led

  • Outcome-focused

  • Enhances involvement, choice and control

  • Improves quality of life, well being and safety

Making safeguarding personal is embedded within the six core principles of Safeguarding Adults and fundamentally the 'Wellbeing' principle of the Care Act.

Making Safeguarding Personal (PDF, 291 Kb)

Making Safeguarding Personal (Easy Read Document) (PDF, 643 Kb)

Making Safeguarding Personal: Guide 2014 LGA/ADASS Tool (PDF, 255 Kb)